Friday, March 14, 2008

Two guys you should know

Part three of Faith and the Founding Fathers is still coming, but I wanted to take a minute to bring something else to everyone’s attention.

In life, God always raises up a few great leaders for every generation to look to for wisdom, insight, profound biblical teaching, and honest perspective. Two of these great leaders of our time that I feel you all should know about and respect are D.A. Carson and John Piper. If you aren’t familiar with these two, you should become so; if you are familiar but only in part, I encourage you to seek their wisdom to a greater degree.

D.A. Carson is a biblical scholar. I heard one scholar say that he was sort of like the “scholar to other scholars”, a first among equals. I heard another great Bible teacher once say that Carson was the only living scholar that was on par with the scholars of the enlightenment. I have read many of Carson’s books and I would recommend them all. He’s not Jesus or anything, but he knows his stuff.

John Piper is a pastor in Minnesota. He has written dozens of books and each of them have had a profound influence on the leadership of Living Stones. I once heard a great preacher say that Piper was basically the “pastor to other pastors” around the world. His biblical insight and passionate words in his books, as well as his sermons (which can be downloaded online) have helped to shape the way that many pastors here at our church see God and life. His website is

If you don’t know these guys, get to know them. They have been used by God to change my life.

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