Wednesday, June 10, 2009

One more try.

So I think I realized something. The main reason my blog doesn’t stay consistent is because I think I have little faith that there are many people actually reading it. After a few blogs in a row with no feedback at all, I got disenchanted with the whole thing and thus the reason for the lull. And then recently I received a flurry of comments from people asking “where’d the blog go?”

So here I am. In reality, I should be motivated enough by even a few people out there that feel like what I write each week (when I’m actually writing each week) helps them think about something in some way that they hadn’t before. So here it is, one final attempt to rebuild a readership and maintain a consistent blog. If it doesn’t work this time then I'm sure I will just give it up for good, but I really think I will keep it going this time.

For motivation, if you read something intriguing, post a comment and let me know. It always helps.


Jordan said...

Can we ask you deep philosophical and intriguing apologetic questions? It seems silly but I do sometimes wonder if Adam had a belly button, there's so much implied in the answer. :-)

melissa said...

I have your blog on my Google Reader, so I read all your posts. That said, I've obviously been not so great about commenting. I should be better at commenting, having blogged for 5 1/2 years myself.

bethhill said...

danny - please don't give up. :) i used to live in reno and go to living stones (now i live in portland), and so really appreciate being able to stay connected through all of the blogs (yours, harvey's, donald's). i love reading your posts and thoughts on life. you always make me think...maybe i should say that more often.

reasonablewoman said...

I feel your pain, bro. As a blogger myself, I often feel I'm talking to myself when I write posts. But fear not - I read your stuff religiously. I will try to keep you motivated with some comments in the future. Thanks for your efforts!

Anonymous said...

Danny, been reading your blog for six months and I've always thought it was intriguing and thought provoking.

Phineas said...

I'm interested to read about your views on reformed epistemology.

-A said...

I, like Melissa, read in Google Reader. This means that I rarely click through. I, too, have been blogging for a while and have been feeling lonely. Probably related to the fact that I never comment any more.

That said, I always read, but often feel like comments may come off a irrelevant or repetitive. I'll try to do better.