Thursday, June 5, 2008

So you want to be a leader?

A question we received at Living Stones reads, “What are your qualifications for a leader at Living Stones?”

That depends on the level of leadership you aspire to.

At Living Stones we have three basic levels of leaders, the highest form of leadership is the Shepherd Team, then we have a deacon team, and thirdly we have a team of small group leaders. Many small group leaders are deacons and Shepherd Team members.

We strictly follow the guidelines for leaders found in Scripture. To be a member of the Shepherd Team a person must fit the qualifications found in 1 Timothy 3:1-7. To be a deacon or small group leader a person must fit the qualifications found in 1 Timothy 3:8-13.

Essentially we follow these guidelines, test a person to see how willing they are to serve, and check to see if they are an advocate for the church which includes attendance at communions and baptisms. If a person has strong character and serves faithfully in the ministry for an extended period of time, and if that person is willing to lead and take on the burden and responsibility, then they are brought into leadership in some form.

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